Monday, November 12, 2012

From Dreams To Reality

            From what I can tell the exercise wants you describe some of your biggest fears and note them down. I don’t have a ton of fears.  Most of them are related to social anxiety. I often have trouble having conversations with people I don’t know and meeting new people. I think the reason for this is because I often worry about what people think of me. For some people a fear like this is extremely trivial because they honestly don’t care what people think of them and have no problem with just being who they are. As for me, it can be difficult sometimes to watch people who posses what I believe is a unique trait.
            Another pretty big fear I have is actually quite funny. It is actually a dream that I’ve had several times throughout my life. The dream is extremely surreal and literally almost lifelike. If you have never heard of lucid dreaming before, you may be interested to Google it and do some light reading. The dream is pretty simplistic as it starts off with extremely random things that aren’t of any significant importance. The dream always ends in the same way with someone chasing me. As the chase progresses though, I always begin to slow down and can’t control it.  I always wake up extremely distraught and always to think myself why I would have a dream like that again, and again, and again.  Thankfully the dream only re occurs over extended time horizons.
            I think the last thing that I actually really fear is being hit in the head by a baseball while batting. Even though this fear is subtle, it comes alive whenever a ball rides in close to my upper body. During my at bats though I’m so concentrated on hitting the ball that I completely forget about the fear, but every now and then when a wild pitch is thrown, the fear immediately comes alive. I don’t worry about the fear too much because it doesn’t affect my batting.

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