Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's The End As We Know It

Since coming to Southern, I’ve definitely learned a lot about myself as an individual. I’ve continued to work hard like I did in high school and have been successful thus far in my college career. I have had a lot to deal with in my first semester from juggling athletics, athletic study hall, time management, and rehabbing from an injury I incurred this past spring. I think the thing that has made me most successful managing all these things is the fact that I don’t complain about having to do everything. There are a lot of people on my team who complain about having to go to study hall, but the fact of the matter is that I understand it makes me a better student. I know that if I didn’t have the study hall, I would still do all the work because I understand from Millbrook what kind of time it actually takes to get a college workload done. I like the fact that though that after a long day, I have a place to go where it is quiet and can get some work done.
            Managing athletics has been difficult since coming to Southern. The fact of the matter is that I’m going to be consumed by athletics once my classes end at roughly twelve every day and won’t end until five in the afternoon. That is a lot of time to dedicate towards something every day of your life. I love the competitive atmosphere though and everything that it has to offer. It is so much fun every day to go and blow of some steam hitting baseballs and fielding. Not only that but there is great camaraderie on the team which makes every hour I spend after classes worthwhile. After talking with the team for a little bit one evening, everyone came to the conclusion that even though we spend so much time playing and would like a break every now and then… playing a college sport makes the days go by so much faster and keep us busy so we aren’t bored.
            I think that my time management skills have been my biggest achievement since coming to Southern. I honestly don’t fear any workload that I’ve gotten so far. I haven’t procrastinated on anything that’s been too far over my head. I have done a good job of knuckling down and understanding that if I get done what I need to, I will have extra time to do things that I would like such as just chilling out and watching a show or playing Xbox with people on my team in the suite. I have to admit that I’ve definitely come to appreciate getting my work done ahead of time so I have time for myself every now and then to just decompress.
            My biggest goal at the beginning of the semester was to start off strong in college. I didn’t want to start off with bad grades and have to work myself out of a rut that I could have easily prevented for myself. I think for athletes to there is a lot more pressure because we have to meet a certain academic standard in order to maintain our eligibility with the NCAA. If we don’t get the grades and work hard in the classroom, the offseason will be the closest you get to play an actual game. I know for some players on my team this academic semester has been a stressful one, but everyone has managed to get by. I am honestly just happy that this first semester didn’t have to be full of stress and I could go to class everyday knowing that I didn’t have to worry about doing bad in the course.
            I tried to go over some things that I’ve enjoyed about Southern thus far and how they’ve affected me. I don’t want to focus on the negatives because I’d rather dwell on the positive things on my final note in the course. I expect to have a lot more success while I’m at Southern and at the same time some difficulties. I understand that everything won’t be so clear cut every time, but with the way I handle things, I can figure out just about anything.

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