Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Final Assessment

When it comes to evaluating how I’ve done this past semester I can think of several things that I’ve excelled at and some areas I lacked in. On a positive note, I have gotten very good grades through this first semester. I am fairly sure that I have all A’s and one B so far (not including finals…). Regardless, I am very proud of that. When I first walked in the door this semester I had heard countless people say that your first semester/year is always going to be the hardest in your college career. I’d like to think I’ve taken that preconceived notion of college and put it rest even though I’m sure there are other people out there who might say something completely different with reference to first year academics in college.
            I think the second thing I did well this semester was balancing schoolwork, my athletics, and personal well-being. I have been extremely busy this semester with academics, athletics, and taking care of an injury I incurred this past spring. For me this meant a lot of running around and very little down time. Personally I like moving around and getting things done because it makes me feel like I’ve accomplished a lot throughout the day. Going to school though, straight to athletics, then physical therapy, and study hall at night, I’m just absolutely exhausted. I think the thing I’m most proud of regarding all this is that I never once complained about my daily schedule or even questioned it. I merely went to everything that needed to be done and put my best effort forward.
            This last paragraph should be about something negative that happened this semester or something that I need to work at. I think though for once in my life I’m going to give myself a break on this section and say that I did a pretty good job. I can be my own worst critic at times and fail to give myself credit for the good things I do. For once I just want to leave something on a positive note.

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